Wednesday, November 26, 2008




Lin said...

Wow, Junk. This is sooo deep. Sort of like Hemingway and his Nada, Nada Nada.

Junkster said...

He stole the idea from me.

oc said...

Something I'm an expert at!

gmommy said...

Very interesting, Mr. Junkster.

Junkster said...

Wow, I think this is a record number of comments for my blog! I should post about nothing more often. (But I thought that I was already doing that most of the time.)

Anonymous said...

As my esteemed mentor and professor from Mexico City Community College Medical School (online), Dr. Nachos Grande, used to say,

"Senor Beel, if knowing nothings is like monies, then I call you now Senor Beel Gates"

Like cold water on that little bump on the roof of my mouth behind my front top teeth when I take a bite of hot pizza and the cheese singes the flesh almost to the point that I spit the cheese out, but don't, cause I figure with all the hungry people in Africa, I ought not be wastin food, though I'm not sure that they'd be eatin pizza even if they had some, cause I think they eat like rice and gazelles and rhinos and whatnot, though I suppose you could grind up that stuff and put it on a pizza, but that seems like a lotta rigamorore to go through if you's like real hungry, so a pizza would probably be a lil' impractical, Dr. Nachos.

William T. Loney

PS, I got leftover Spurkey from thanksgiving, just in case anyone would like to drop by for an icecold spurkey frappe

Anonymous said...

oh, I gotta haircut and a shave...I figure since I'm back, I might as well start shoppin for the next ex-Ms. Loney

William T. Loney, MD